Information and how to apply for a temporary event notice.
General advice and information, including FAQs, details of taxi fares, taxi ranks and wheelchair accessible vehicles.
Information and guidance on applying for a hackney carriage or private hire vehicle driver's licence.
Find out how to apply for a premises or personal licence, view the premises register or make an objection. How to apply for a temporary event notice.
Information on holding charitable collections and how to apply.
View the fees and charges associated with applications for licensing.
Advice and information on the Gambling Act 2005 and the Council's responsibility as the Licensing Authority for determining applications in respect of betting offices, bingo clubs, family entertainment centres etc.
Read the enforcement policy which applies to all enforcement activities carried out by Licensing officers.
Information and advice on other types of licences, such as animal welfare, pavement, scrap metal, skin piercing and beauty treatments and more.
View the Licensing Public Access Register.
Use our online tool to send copies of documents or photographs to us.
Guidance on street trading in the borough and further guidance regarding Brentwood Market.
Apply for a driver or vehicle licence, check taxi fares or find a wheelchair accessible taxi.
A national Home Office supported accreditation scheme recognising responsible licensing practice.