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Adopted Supplementary Planning Documents (SPDs)

Supplementary Planning Documents

Supplementary Planning Documents (SPDs) give further guidance on the detail of the Council's development plan. The Council's adopted SPDs are set out below. Additional information can be found on the Council's Document Library.

Planning Obligations (SPD) (2023)

Adopted at Finance, Assets, Investments & Recovery (FAIR) Committee on 20 December 2023. The Planning Obligations SPD supports the Local Plan by providing a robust framework to secure the delivery of necessary infrastructure and set out detailed guidance and a clear position regarding the scope and scale of planning obligations applicable to different types and quantum of development.

Dunton Hills Garden Village SPD (2023)

Adopted at Policy, Resources and Economic Development Committee on 8 February 2023. The Dunton Hills Garden Village SPD sets out broad principles to show how the Garden Village should be designed, translating the policy requirements in the Local Plan into a well-designed and successful place.

Essex coast RAMS SPD (2020)

The Essex coast Recreational disturbance Avoidance and Mitigation Strategy (the Essex coast RAMS) aims to deliver the mitigation necessary to avoid significant adverse effect from in-combination impacts of residential development that is anticipated across Essex, thus protecting the Habitats (European) sites on the Essex coast from adverse effect on site integrity. All new residential developments within the evidenced Zone of Influence where there is a net increase in dwelling numbers are included in the Essex coast RAMS. Details on the Zone of Influence, financial contributions required, and how these funds will be spent are outlined in the RAMS SPD.

The 12 Local Planning Authorities (LPAs) which are partners in and responsible for the delivery of the RAMS are:

Basildon Borough Council, Braintree District Council, Brentwood Borough Council, Castle Point Borough Council, Chelmsford City Council, Colchester Borough Council, Maldon District Council, Rochford District Council, Southend-on-Sea Borough Council, Tendring District Council, Thurrock Council and Uttlesford District Council.

To give this project a clear identity, it has been partnered with Bird Aware. Bird Aware aim to raise awareness of protected birds that visit our coastline every year. More information can be found at the Bird Aware website

Brentwood Town Centre Design Guide SPD (2019)

Adopted at Policy, Resources and Economic Development Committee on 27 November 2019 following consultation on a draft version between February and March 2019. The Design Guide aims to inform new development and support applicants in the delivery of the highest quality architecture and in and around Brentwood Town Centre.

Vehicle Parking Standards SPD (2011)

Adopted at Policy, Performance and Resources Board on 9 March 2011. The new Essex County Council Vehicle Parking Standards replace those set out in Appendix 2 of the Brentwood Replacement Local Plan. The document can be viewed below.

Shopfront guidance for Brentwood Town Centre SPD (2010)

Adopted at Policy, Performance and Resources Board on 10 March 2010 following consultation on a draft version between December 2009 and January 2010. The shopfront guidance helps improve the standard of design when altering or replacing shopfronts and associated signage within Brentwood Town Centre. The document can be viewed below.

Other planning guidance

Planning Guidance Note - Delivering a Suitable Balance of Affordable Homes (2025)

This Guidance Note outlines the findings and recommendations from the ARK assessment and critique of affordable housing needs data. It includes an analysis of the latest housing needs assessment conducted by Turley for South Essex Councils in 2022, alongside current trends such as data from the housing register, homelessness presentations and acceptances, reliance on temporary accommodation, and vacancy rates.

The outputs of this Guidance Note provide detailed, localised evidence on affordable housing needs to help achieve a balanced supply of affordable homes. It should be considered the most up-to-date housing evidence available to support the implementation of adopted planning policies.

  • Planning Guidance Note - Delivering a Suitable Balance of Affordable Homes (February 2025) (pdf)
  • This evidence base document is published prior to endorsement by Councillors, which will take place at the next available Housing and Planning Committee meeting, where Members will be invited to acknowledge the updated position.

    Developers' Guide to Infrastructure Contributions (Revised Edition 2020)

    This document details the scope and range of contributions towards infrastructure which Essex County Council may seek from developers and land owners in order to mitigate the impact and make development acceptable in planning terms. The guide covers the administrative area of Essex County Council and the infrastructure that they provide such as schools, roads and libraries. The document can be viewed below:

    The Sustainable Drainage Systems Design Guide for Essex (2020)

    All new major development must provide sustainable drainage systems to manage surface water flooding. Prepared by Essex County Council as lead local flood authority, this guidance helps steer what is expected from development to complement national requirements and prioritise local needs. The document can be viewed below: