Use our online form to pay your fee if you have submitted your application by post, through your agent or if your application has been identified as invalid due to the incorrect fee being submitted.
Discover the benefits of using the council's pre-application advice service and how to apply.
Information and guidance on how to apply for planning permission.
Check the details and progress of applications online without having to visit the council offices.
Information and guidance on how to apply for planning permission.
Information and guidance on preparing a design and access statement.
General advice and information about the Council's pre-application planning advice service.
Guidance if you want to alter or enlarge a single house or carry out works within the boundary of a house.
Details of the planning appeal process and how to appeal against a Council's decision.
Find out how an application is determined and how we will notify you of the decision.
Information about PPA's and the advantages of using one for large scale proposals.
Check the details and progress of applications online without having to visit the council offices.
Find out about permitted development rights or if you need to get planning permission.