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Residents in the Brentwood Borough are being urged to prepare ahead of the UK parliamentary general election taking place on Thursday 4 July.

Thousands of people headed to King George’s Playing Fields on Sunday afternoon (9 June) for the Strawberry Sports Festival, a free to enter community event aimed at families.

Brentwood Borough Council, in collaboration with Believ, has increased the number of electric vehicle charging points in the borough, marking a significant step in the council's commitment to enhance accessibility.

Brentwood Borough Council has elected Councillor Mark Haigh as the Mayor of Brentwood for 2024/25.

Brentwood Borough Council’s much loved annual Strawberry Fair is back with an exciting sporting twist for 2024.

Borough Council is working in partnership with Essex County Council, Better Housing Better Health (BHBH) and the National Energy Foundation (NEF), to bring residents energy efficiency grants ECO4 and GBIS.

With the voter registration deadline approaching for local elections being held on Thursday 2 May, anyone wanting to vote must make sure they are election ready

Brentwood Borough Council has awarded £422,634 in grants to 16 local businesses, clubs, community interest companies and charities to support delivery of cultural and sports levelling up projects from 1 April 2024 to 31 March 2025. These initiatives are funded by the UK Government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund.

Brentwood Borough Council, in collaboration with Brentwood's Community Safety Partnership (CSP), Brentwood's Health and Well-being Board, and the Rochford and Castlepoint's Health and Well-being Board, is unveiling a new Community Connect vehicle.

Brentwood Borough Council, in partnership with Axis and Seven Arches Investments Limited is pleased to launch this year’s Brentwood Community Fund, inviting local organisations and individuals to bid for funding for community projects, with the deadline set for Monday 22 April.