Evidence base
We have undertaken research to inform the policy documents that make up the Local Plan. The research is called the 'Evidence Base' and comprises of reports and studies across the different topic areas listed below.
Evidence must be regularly reviewed and kept up to date to ensure we have an up to date understanding of the area and the issues that need addressing in the Local Plan.
We will update this page as and when new evidence is produced, or existing documents are revised.
Information setting out the documents relating to the Local Plan examination can be viewed in the Council's Archived Document Library.
Brentwood Borough Profile (February 2019)
Economic Futures 2013-2033 (January 2018)
Heart of Essex Economic Futures (June 2012)
Employment Land Review (September 2010)
Air Quality Monitoring (July 2021)
Green Belt Study (November 2018)
- Green Belt Study Part 1: London Metropolitan Green Belt overview (PDF)
- Green Belt Study Part 2: Green Belt parcel definition and review (PDF)
- Green Belt Study Part 3: Assessment of potential housing, employment and mixed use sites in the Green Belt and their relative contribution to the purpose of the Green Belt designation (PDF)
- Green Belt Study Part 3: Appendix L1 Green Belt site pro forma (PDF)
- Green Belt Study Part 3: Appendix L2 summary sheet (PDF)
- Green Belt Study Part 3: Appendix L3 summary sheet (PDF)
- Green Belt Study Part 3: Appendix L4 Housing Assessment Sheets (PDF)
- Green Belt Study Part 3: Appendix L5 overall contribution of sites to Green Belt purposes (housing assessment) (PDF)
- Green Belt Study Part 3: Appendix L6 Green Belt Summary Sheet (Employment) (PDF)
- Green Belt Study Part 3: Appendix L7 Employment Mixed Use Assessment Sheets (PDF)
- Green Belt Study Part 3: Appendix L8 overall contribution of sites to Green Belt purposes (employment and mixed use assessment) (PDF)
- To view previous draft Green Belt Assessment work see Document Library
Protected Lanes Assessment
Green Infrastructure Strategy (September 2015)
Habitats Regulations Assessment (January 2019)
- Habitats Regulations Assessment (PDF)
- For previous iterations of the Habitats Regulations Assessment see Work So Far and the Document Library
Surface Water Management Plan for Brentwood Borough (January 2015)
- Surface Water Management Plan - Final Report (PDF)
- Surface Water Management Plan - Executive Summary (PDF)
- To view appendices see Document Library
Renewable Energy Study (April 2014)
Local Wildlife Site Review (December 2012)
Strategic Flood Risk Assessment (SFRA) (November 2018)
- Level 1 Strategic Flood Risk Assessment (PDF)
- SFRA Appendix A - Mapping (PDF)
- SFRA Appendix B - SuDS Guidance (PDF)
- SFRA Appendix C - HELAA sites and flood risks (PDF)
- SFRA Appendix D - Tables reproduced from NPPF (PDF)
- SFRA Appendix E - EA Product 4 (PDF)
Sustainability Appraisal (January 2019)
- Local Plan Final SA Report (PDF)
- Local Plan Final SA Report (Non-Technical Summary) (PDF)
- For previous iterations of the Sustainability Appraisal see Work So Far and the Document Library
Water Cycle Study (November 2018)
Landscape Sensitivity and Capacity Study (November 2018)
- Landscape Sensitivity and Capacity Study (PDF)
- Appendix L1 - Site Pro Forma (PDF)
- Appendix L2 - Summary Sheet (PDF)
- Appendix L3 - Site Assessment Sheets (PDF)
- Appendix L4 - Landscape character summary sheet (PDF)
- Appendix L5 - Landscape capacity of sites strategic options maps (PDF)
- Appendix L6 - Question 10 Summary (PDF)
- Appendix L7 - Question 11 Summary (PDF)
Mid Essex Landscape Character Assessment (September 2006)
- Section 1: Introduction (PDF)
- Section 2: Overview of the Study Area (PDF)
- Section 4: Brentwood Borough (PDF)
- Section 8: Recommendations (PDF)
- For sections regarding adjoining authorities and appendices see the Document Library
Planning Guidance Note - Delivering a Suitable Balance of Affordable Homes
This evidence base document is published prior to endorsement by Councillors, which will take place at the next available Housing and Planning Committee meeting, where Members will be invited to acknowledge the updated position.
South Essex Housing Needs Assessment
Strategic Housing Market Assessment (SHMA)
- SHMA Part 1 (October 2018) (PDF)
- SHMA Part 2, Objectively Assessed Need for Affordable Housing (June 2016) (PDF)
Greater Essex Demographic Forecasts 2012-2037
- Phase 7 (May 2015) (PDF)
- To view phases 1 - 6 see Document Library
Heart of Essex Housing Growth Scenarios (June 2012)
Gypsy and Traveller Accommodation Assessment (GTAA) (October 2017)
The Brentwood Infrastructure Delivery Plan (IDP) is a live document updated regularly to respond to changes in the Brentwood Plan-Making process.
Brentwood Infrastructure Delivery Plan (IDP)
- Chapter 1 - Introduction (October 2019) (PDF)
- Chapter 2 - Development Typology (February 2020) (PDF)
- Chapter 3 - Transport (February 2020) (PDF)
- Chapter 4 - Energy (October 2019) (PDF)
- Chapter 5 - Water and Drainage (October 2019) (PDF)
- Chapter 6 - Waste (October 2019) (PDF)
- Chapter 7 - Broadband and Mobile Technology (October 2019) (PDF)
- Chapter 8 - Education (October 2019) (PDF)
- Chapter 9 - Social and Community (October 2019) (PDF)
- Chapter 10 - Health (October 2019) (PDF)
- Chapter 11 - Sport (October 2019) (PDF)
- Chapter 12 - Heritage (October 2019) (PDF)
- Chapter 13 - Emergency Services (October 2019) (PDF)
- Chapter 14 - Green Infrastructure (October 2019) (PDF)
- Chapter 15 - Overcoming the Funding Gap (February 2020) (PDF)
- Part B Schedule (January 2021) (PDF)
Playing Pitch Strategy
- Playing Pitch Strategy Annual Update (November 2023) (PDF)
- Playing Pitch Strategy Annual Update (July 2022) (PDF)
- Playing Pitch Strategy (November 2018) (PDF)
Built Facilities Strategy (October 2018)
Golf Course Needs Assessment (October 2018)
Open Space, Sport and Leisure Needs Assessment (August 2016)
- Open Space, Sport and Leisure Needs Assessment - Final Report (PDF)
- To view Appendices see Document Library
Hotel & Visitor Accomodation Futures Study (April 2008)
Brentwood Retail Study (September 2020)
Brentwood Town Centre Design Plan (November 2017)
The Council produced a Design Plan for Brentwood Town Centre in 2017. Work considered how the Town Centre functions from various aspects, including urban design, buildings, spaces, economic viability and movement. The Design Plan enables future development opportunities to collectively enhance Brentwood Town Centre rather than be considered in isolation.
The Design Plan can be viewed in sections below:
- Design Plan Chapters 1 and 2 (part) (PDF)
- Design Plan Chapter 2 (continued) (PDF)
- Design Plan Chapter 3 (part) (PDF)
- Design Plan Chapter 3 (continued) (PDF)
- Design Plan Chapters 3 (continued) and 4 (PDF)
- Design Plan Chapters 5 and 6 (PDF)
- Design Plan Appendix A (Transport) (PDF)
- Design Plan Appendix B (Socio-Economic and Market Findings) (PDF)
Retail and Commercial Leisure Study (December 2014)
- Retail and Commercial Leisure Study - Final Report (PDF)
- Retail and Commercial Leisure Study - Executive Summary (PDF)
Brentwood Town Centre Regeneration Strategy (May 2010)
NOTE: We are working on a partial review and update of the adopted Brentwood Local Plan. To help in this process we are carrying out a new 'call for sites'. The 'call for sites' is an opportunity for agents, landowners, developers and the public to submit land which they think may have potential for:
- new homes (including for the settled, Gypsy and Traveller communities)
- employment land
- mitigation for habitat sites
To receive notification of when the 'call for sites' consultation opens, please please ensure you have created an account on our Local Plan consultation portal.
Site Analysis Overview (February 2019)
Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment (HELAA) (October 2018)
Site Assessment Methodology and Summary of Outcomes (January 2018)
- Site Assessment Methodology and Summary of Outcomes - Working Draft (PDF)
- Appendix 1 - Discounted Sites Stage 1 (PDF)
- Appendix 2 - Isolated and settlement category 4 sites (PDF)
- Appendix 3 - Brownfield and greenfield sites within settlement boundaries (PDF)
- Appendix 4 - Green Belt edge of Brentwood urban area (PDF)
- Appendix 5 - Green Belt edge of Ingatestone urban area (PDF)
- Appendix 6 - Green Belt land edge of larger villages (PDF)
- Appendix 7 - Strategic Site Options (PDF)
- Appendix 8 - Employment site options (PDF)
Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA) (October 2011)
- SHLAA - Final Report and Appendices (PDF)
- To view SHLAA maps see Document Library
Transport Assessment (January 2021)
Transport Assessment Model Build Report (January 2021)
Transport Assessment (October 2018)
- Transport Assessment - Main Report (PDF)
- Transport Assessment - Amendment Note (January 2019) (PDF)
- Appendices A, C, H, I and J (PDF)
- Appendix E - Sustainable Transport Measures, Central-Northern Brentwood (PDF)
- Appendix F - Potential Park and Stride (PDF)
- Appendix G - Sustainable Transport Measures, Southern Brentwood (PDF)
- Appendix K - Junction Summary Outputs (PDF)
- Appendix L - Full Junction Modelling Outputs (PDF)
- Appendix M - Merge, Diverge Figures (PDF)
CIL Viability Assessment Update (August 2022)
Net Zero Carbon Viability and Toolkit Study (August 2022) - commissioned by Essex Climate Action Commission (ECAC)
Local Plan Viability Assessment (October 2018)