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Brentwood Borough Council joins other local authorities in objecting to pylon plans in its response to the National Grid consultation


Brentwood Borough Council’s Planning Committee has agreed the council’s response to the National Grid Statutory Consultation this week, that emphasised the objections the council has to the 184km Norwich to Tilbury electricity transmission line that would bring a new pylon and overhead line route through the borough.

Councillor Philip Mynott, Chair of Brentwood Borough Council’s Planning Committee said “I’m pleased that our objections were agreed cross-party and join objections that cross council and county boundaries.

“At the heart of our objections is we believe there are credible alternatives to transmission lines that should be explored fully before pylons are considered. Credible alternatives that don’t risk Net Zero, renewable energy or decarbonisation targets.

“We also believe there has been a lack of assessment to the detrimental impacts the proposed overhead line route will have on the community around Haverings Grove and the Bushwood Farm area.

“There is also a lack of assessment undertaken in relation to the impacts overhead line and pylon technology will have on Dunton Hills Garden Village and its supporting infrastructure.

“However, as a statutory consultee, this is not the end of our involvement and we will continue to engage in the process after National Grid formally submit the application to the Planning Inspectorate in 2025 and beyond.”