Popular pages
- Check details and progress of applications.
- We have a range of car parks, each within easy walking distance of the main shopping and commercial areas.
- Find out which day your bins, recycling and food waste will be collected
Popular services
Community organisations, safety and services for younger and older people.
Payments, discounts, support, housing benefit, local housing allowance and UC.
Finding a home, strategies, rights and responsibilities, disabled facilities grants.
Advice, apply, policies, local plan, land charges, conservation and enforcement.
How to vote, polling stations, postal and proxy votes and election results.
Services for households and businesses, what to recycle and collection days.
Latest news & events
- News
Car parking charges in council owned car parks frozen, investment into the Brentwood Centre and play areas, along with more money to support street cleansing initiatives – are just some of the budget commitments agreed by councillors at Full Council on Thursday 13 February.
- News
An inclusive new feature has been installed at the Brentwood Centre’s swimming pool to improve its accessibility. A 'Poolpod 3' is now ready to use, thanks to successful grant funding by Brentwood Borough Council, in partnership with Brentwood Access Group.
- News
Brentwood Borough Council is driving towards meeting its net-zero carbon emissions target with an environmentally friendly upgrade to its vehicle fleet.

Brentwood Connected
Brentwood Connected is a unique Business Improvement District (BID) supporting our borough’s three high streets.

Cost of living
Get help and advice about the cost of living from Brentwood based and national organisations.

My Property
Use our maps to view waste collections, tree preservation orders, ward information, polling stations and more.