All Town Hall reception services are now available online or by telephone 01277 312500 only. You should not visit the Town Hall unless you have a pre-arranged appointment.
Allocation of social housing
Applicants will be notified by the Housing Options Team if they have been successful for an offer of pre-allocation of accommodation.
If you have received an offer of a Housing Association property, contact them directly.
The cost of accommodation in Brentwood is very expensive, if you can't afford to rent or buy locally you may need to also consider widening your area search.
In some circumstances, we may be able to help with the Rent Deposit Scheme if you're a qualifying household usually if you're threatened with homelessness, are eligible, have a priority need, are not intentionally homeless and have a local connection. If you meet the criteria, we can consider providing you with financial help to find accommodation outside of the Borough if you're unable to find accommodation in Brentwood.
There are some occasions that you may feel you have to move due to additional support needs, but there are options available that may mean you can stay in your own home.
The information below may also be able helpful for you:
- Help to Buy if you want to buy your own home but can't afford it
- Join the register for a Council or Housing Association home if you can't afford to rent locally. Please note that due to significant demand it is very unlikely that this will be an immediate solution. If you require Housing Advice/Assistance you must complete the Housing Advice Request form below. Please refer to the Allocations Policy for eligibility criteria.
- Express interest for vacant homes through HomeOption, once you have joined the Housing Register. Alternatively, if you are a Brentwood Borough Council tenant (or were nominated by BBC into a Housing Association property) then you can join the Transfer List.
- Sheltered Accommodation - Sheltered Housing is available for people who wish to continue to live independently but have the benefit of additional support it you require it or if your needs change. Usually for those over 55 but also for people who are younger but require additional security or support to enable independent living.
- Existing tenants can swap through a mutual exchange
- Downsizing - If you're a secure or fixed term tenant of the Council who are currently under-occupying your home, you may benefit from downsizing and be eligible for the downsizing payment
- What to do if you are likely to become homeless
- Floating support - You would like to remain in your own home but require additional support to enable this. Floating Support can provide assistance to ensure tenancy sustainment, budgeting management, signposting to other support agencies, Mental Health services, voluntary work and much more.
If you have recently moved into Brentwood or changed your address, complete the online form which will allow you to tell different areas inthe Council.
Any new or transferring tenant whose Tenancy commenced on or after the 18 July 2016 is required to pay one weeks rent charge upfront before they receive the keys to their new home.