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Energy advice

We can all make a difference to our environment by following the advice found on the websites below:

  • Energy Saving Secrets - Tips to save money on energy costs and have a greener lifestyle.
  • Energy saving tips (PDF) - a guide from AXIS to cutting costs in your home.
  • Sustainable Build - Looking to build in an eco-friendly way? Here are the land and the construction techniques to do it properly.
  • Sustainable Stuff - How to make a green difference in your everyday life.
  • Recycling Expert - Looking to cut down on your family waste? You'll be amazed at how much you can recycle.
  • Eco Friendly Kids - Packed with tips for you and your children. Everyone can play a part in helping to protect the environment.
  • Eco Travelling - Everywhere we travel we leave a carbon footprint. Ensure it's as small and ethical as possible.
  • Eco living advice - Provides information and advice on how to be eco friendly
  • Energy bill relief scheme - Provides energy bill relief for businesses and other non-domestic customers and advice on how you can get support this winter