Your views and needs are at the heart of everything we do.
That is why we consult with residents, businesses and other organisations to ensure the decisions we make represent public opinion and are informed by what you tell us.
Current consultations
Recent Consultations
Proposed licensing fees and charges 2025-26
We are consulting on a proposed increase to the fees and charges that will be applied for licences, permits and consents issued by Brentwood Borough Council from 1 April 2025. We are inviting you to view the changes proposed and to make any comments that you would like to be considered by the Licensing Committee when determining the final fee.
The survey closed on 5 February 2025.
Women's Safety in Brentwood
Brentwood Borough Council has launched a survey to get a deeper understanding of how safe women feel across the borough and to identify ways to enhance safety for women and girls in Brentwood.
The survey invites women who live and work in the area to share their personal experiences, concerns and ideas on how to make Brentwood a safer place for everyone. In partnership with the Women's Safety Charter, this survey is a collaborative initiative focused on addressing specific male behaviours that contribute to women feeling unsafe. The project emphasises the urgent need for education on women’s safety and expanding safe spaces that foster a respectful environment for women throughout Brentwood.
This survey offers an essential platform for women and girls to voice their experiences, with the results helping guide Brentwood’s local authorities and partnering agencies in shaping strategies to improve safety and overall community wellbeing.
The survey is for all residents aged 18 and over.
The survey closed on 17 December 2024.
Council Priorities and Budget Consultation 2025
We would like your views on how we spends our money and how we might raise more money to help set a balanced budget with increasing costs and reduced Government Funding. The information from this survey will be used by Councillors as they set the budget and council tax for 2025/26.
This consultation closed on 19 November 2024.
Gambling Act 2005 Statement of Principles
The Gambling Act 2005 provides the legal framework for the licensing and regulation of commercial gambling in the UK. It requires us to produce a Gambling Policy Statement.
We would like your comments on our proposed reviewed Gambling Policy Statement. This is a light touch review to comply with the statutory review requirements, whilst we await the update guidance from the Gambling Commission. A full review will be undertaken on receipt of the guidance.
View the Draft Statement of Gambling Policy 2025 (PDF).
This Consultation closed on 4 November 2024.
Proposed Major Works Payment Policy
The purpose of the form is to permit leaseholders to comment and express their view on the proposed Major Works Payment Policy.
Strategic Partnership
Rochford District Council and Brentwood Borough Council are seeking your views on their Strategic Partnership.
The consultation closed on 31 January 2024.
Leisure Survey
Brentwood Borough Council are in the process of developing a Feasibility Study for Council leisure facilities – The Brentwood Centre and Hartswood Pavilion in Brentwood. The aim of this study is to identify viable options for investment into the facilities to provide a higher quality offer and to better meet the needs of residents.
In parallel to this feasibility work, the Council are starting the process of procuring a new leisure contract for the management of these facilities which is due to start in April 2025.
This consultation closed 10 November 2023.
Budget Survey
The council would like your views on how it spends its money and how it might raise more money to help set a balanced budget with increasing costs and reduced Government Funding. The information from this survey will be used by Councillors as they set the budget and council tax for 2024/25.
This consultation closed 29 October 2023 and full results can be viewed on the Project page.
Street Trading Scheme
We intend to implement a Street Trading Scheme around Brentwood Borough from 1 June 2023, providing consents or licences to street traders within the borough on consent or licensed streets and will prohibit street trading without one. View the Draft street trading policy (PDF).
This consultation closed 8 March 2023.
Proposed licencing fees and charges schedule
We consulted on a proposed increase to the fees and charges that will be applied for licences, permits and consents issued by Brentwood Borough Council from 1 April 2023. View the proposed fees and charges (PDF).
This consultation closed 22 February 2023.
War memorial renovation
We asked residents to contribute views and opinions on a proposed new scheme to improve the surroundings of the War Memorial. The result was to not do anything.
This consultation closed on Monday 28 February 2023.
Draft Planning Obligations Supplementary Planning Document (SPD)
We consulted on a draft Planning Obligations Supplementary Planning Document (SPD).
This new SPD aims to set out a clear position to developers, landowners and stakeholders, detailing the scope and scale of planning obligations as they apply to different types of development.
It provides detailed advice on developer contributions, including the negotiation of Section 106 agreements and detailed considerations on a range of infrastructure, including affordable housing, transport, outdoor sport and open space. Developer contributions are important for the communities affected by development and a key purpose of this document will be to assist developers in making planning applications that fit the required criteria.
Comments received during this consultation will be considered and used to inform the final SPD which will be reported to our relevant council committee for adoption later this year.
For more information or advice about the consultation, visit Draft planning obligations supplementary planning document.
The consultation closed on the 19 January 2023.
Have your say on a new political map for Brentwood Borough Council
New boundaries are being proposed for council wards in Brentwood Borough Council. The Local Government Boundary Commission wanted to hear what residents and local organisations think about the proposals.
For more information on the consultation, visit Local Government Boundary Commission
This consultation closed on 12 December 2022.
The Commission have now published their final recommendations for changes in Brentwood. Details can be found on the Local Government Boundary Commission website.
Setting a balanced budget for 2023/24
Each year, we must set a budget that balances spending on services with the resources available. In the current year 2022/23, this is how the council is funding its services.
We would like your views on how we spend our money and how we might raise more money to help set a balance budget with increasing costs and reduced Government Funding. The information from this survey will be used by Councillors as they set the budget and council tax for 2023/24.
For more information on the consultation, visit Setting a balanced budget.
This consultation closed on 16 October 2022.
Licensing Act 2003 Policy Consultation
The Licensing Act 2003 provides the legal framework for licensing the sale and supply of alcohol, provision of regulated entertainment and provision of late-night refreshment. As the Licensing Authority, we’re required to produce a Policy relating to these matters.
We’re required to review and consult on the Policy every five years to allow for updates to the legislation and the local area. It provides the basis for all decisions made under the Licensing Act for the policy's duration.
See the proposed reviewed Licensing Policy (PDF).
This consultation closed on 16 September 2022.
Gambling Act 2005 Statement of Principles
The Gambling Act 2005 provides the legal framework for the licensing and regulation of commercial gambling in the UK. It requires us to produce a Gambling Policy Statement.
This will be our third (fourth) Statement of Licensing Policy since the law came into effect. It includes updates to allow for changes in legislation and provides the basis for all gambling related licensing decisions taken by the council as the Licensing Authority over the next three years.
See the proposed reviewed Gambling Policy Statement (PDF).
This consultation closed on 16 September 2022.
Taxi Licensing Policy Consultation 2022
The UK government have published national statutory taxi and private hire vehicle standards. In response to these standards, we have drafted a new policy that brings together the existing procedures and policies we have for taxi licensing and incorporates the Department for Transport’s National Model Standards.
See the Draft Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Licensing Policy 2022 (PDF).
This consultation closed on 16 September 2022.
Environment Strategy Consultation
We asked for your views on our environment strategy.
The consultation closed on 31 August 2022.
Brentwood Electoral Review
The Local Government Boundary Commission for England is asking for your views on their electoral review of Brentwood to agree new ward boundaries across the Borough.
- Do you have suggestions about where your ward boundaries should be?
- Where do people in your area go to access local facilities, such as shops and leisure activities?
- Which areas do you identify as your local community?
Once the Commission has drawn up the proposals, there will be a second consultation.
Consultation closed on 18 July 2022.
Council Tax discounts consultation
We consulted with residents on your views to change the current local discretionary Council Tax Discounts from 1 April 2022.
This consultation closed on 7 November 2021.
View the consultation responses (PDF).
Football Hub consultation
This consultation closed on 18 October 2021.
Setting a balanced budget for 2022/23
Each year, the council must set a balanced budget that balances spending on services with the resources available. The council consulted on your views on how it spends its money and how it might raise more money to help close its budget gap.
The consultation closed on 3 October 2021.
View the consultation responses (PPT).
Allocations Policy
We proposed some changes to the housing allocations policy. Over 1200 households are waiting for social housing in Brentwood. Last year only 172 properties became available for letting and we want to make sure they go to the residents who need them most.
The consultation closed on 9 July 2021.
Dunton Hills Garden Village
We consulted on the draft Supplementary Planning Document pdf that will guide how development progresses at Dunton Hills Garden Village in the future. We wanted to understand if the document meets what we heard during the co-design consultation undertaken between May – August 2020. Get involved in the many consultation activities at
The consultation closed on 1 July 2021.
Brookfield Close, Hutton
The Council is planning to build over 300 new council homes over the next seven years as part of its Housing Delivery Plan. The first 61 of these homes will be built as part of a proposal to redevelop empty and derelict homes, council owned garages and some older homes currently occupied at Brookfield Close, Hutton. The new homes proposed will be 'zero carbon in use'. Local residents were encouraged to take part in the consultation. Further information is available on our Brookfield Close web page.
The consultation closed on Monday 23 November 2020.
Hutton Recreation Play Area - Phase 2
Hutton Recreation Play Area is set for a refurbishment under the Council's 5 year Play Area Strategy. So far the Toddler Play Area at King George’s Playing Fields and the Play Area at River Road have been revamped by the Council’s contractors HAGs. Plans for Hutton Recreation Area are already underway and the second phase of the consultation with residents started on November 3.
This phase of the consultation closed on 20 November 2020.
Council Tax Reduction Scheme Consultation
Each year the Council has to decide whether to change the Council Reduction scheme for working age residents. The consultation was in respect of Brentwood’s proposed Council Tax Reduction scheme which will take effect from April 2021.
The consultation closed on 15 November 2020.
Hutton Recreation Play Area
As part of the Council's 5 year Play Area Strategy for play area improvement the Council is looking at refurbishing Hutton Recreation Play Area. The Council consulted with local residents, schools and users of the play area to help inform the design and layout of the play area.
The first phase of the consultation closed on 17 August 2020.
Brentwood High Street
Temporary Closure to Vehicles (except buses & cycles) from 9am to 6pm Monday to Saturday
We asked for your thoughts on the temporary closure of Brentwood High Street to vehicles, except buses and cycles, to create more social distancing space.
The survey closed on 7 August 2020.
South Essex 2050
Over the past few years, the Association of South Essex Local Authorities (ASELA) has sought to understand your views about what it’s like to live or work in your local area and what you hope to achieve in the future. These consultations are vital in shaping local services, but ASELA wants to start a different kind of conversation too: about the long-term future for the South Essex region in 2050.
We want to explore how South Essex could change over the next 30 years. What we might be able to achieve together. How we can focus our efforts and direct investment towards the things that matter most.
The survey closed on 31 July 2020.
Planting of a Community Forest at Hutton Country Park
In line with our commitment to combat climate change, we held a public consultation on a proposal to plant a Community Forest at Hutton Country Park.
The consultation closed on Tuesday 24 March 2020.
Council Tax Reduction Scheme
Each year the Council has to decide whether to change the Council Tax Support scheme for working age residents in the Borough. Residents of pension age cannot be affected as they are protected from any restrictions by Central Government. The consultation was in respect of Brentwood's proposed Council Tax Reduction scheme from 1st April 2020.
The consultation closed on 15 December 2019.
Brentwood Borough Council Corporate Vision 2020-2025
The consultation covered the plans for the Council over the next five years.
The consultation closed on Thursday 12 September 2019.